I am proposing that we cancel the NNS stream and recover the remaining ~$250,000, for the reasons listed below:
• Zero onchain updates since the prop passed 3 months ago.
• Undisclosed employment of family for community management position. The Community Manager is actively competing for and has won over other participants in the Club giveaways. Overall community participation is low, averaging less than 1/2 Nouncil's participation. Where are the memes? - $36k line item
• Who is the second core team member? I am not aware of anyone having interacted with the other core team member of NNS - $96k line item
• "In this new mandate, we’ll fully open this infrastructure through a white-label platform, with continual upgrades as we introduce new features." There has seemingly been no progress on this. Has a new engineer been employed? What have they built? - $84k line item
• Has a designer been employed? What has been designed? Promotional efforts have been minimal. - $38k line item
Not happy to put this proposal up, but after discussing with a handful of voters, it's important as a DAO we hold proposers to account for delivering on their promises, and protect against the downside when it becomes apparent they are not fulfilling on their promises.
I am proposing that we cancel the NNS stream and recover the remaining ~$250,000, for the reasons listed below:
• Zero onchain updates since the prop passed 3 months ago.
• Undisclosed employment of family for community management position. The Community Manager is actively competing for and has won over other participants in the Club giveaways. Overall community participation is low, averaging less than 1/2 Nouncil's participation. Where are the memes? - $36k line item
• Who is the second core team member? I am not aware of anyone having interacted with the other core team member of NNS - $96k line item
• "In this new mandate, we’ll fully open this infrastructure through a white-label platform, with continual upgrades as we introduce new features." There has seemingly been no progress on this. Has a new engineer been employed? What have they built? - $84k line item
• Has a designer been employed? What has been designed? Promotional efforts have been minimal. - $38k line item
Not happy to put this proposal up, but after discussing with a handful of voters, it's important as a DAO we hold proposers to account for delivering on their promises, and protect against the downside when it becomes apparent they are not fulfilling on their promises.