ProposalsProposal 641

🎨 Noundry: Add Abacus Head

Quorum: 105
Proposed by
, sponsored by

*submitted via *Noundry Gallery


This proposal adds a new head trait: Abacus

Showcase Noun

Trait artwork

Circle crop

Palette: 9 colors

Playground testing

Here are some auto-generated combinations of the new part with existing Nouns parts:

see more previews

Some words from the artist

I’m Nadie, and I’m thrilled to propose a new head trait for the Nouns collection: ABACUS.

In the world of Nouns, where every trait brings a unique touch, the abacus stands out as a symbol of calculation and historical significance. It’s a foundational tool that represents knowledge and precision, fitting seamlessly with our collection's creative spirit.

To highlight its significance, ABACUS is one of the first words you'll find in the dictionary, right after "aardvark" and before traits like "calculator." It’s a natural fit that complements our existing traits while adding a fresh, thoughtful element.

I’ve been actively involved with Noundry Studio and Noundry Gallery this year, creating 119 traits, including heads and accessories. My work has earned me a spot as the second highest creator in terms of traits uploaded. My deep engagement with the Nouns community has been incredibly rewarding.

I would be honored to have a Noun of my own. Given my current situation, buying one isn’t feasible, so I hope that through my contributions and this trait proposal, you might consider awarding me Noun #829.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to your feedback and continuing to contribute to our amazing community!

shoutout to /noc Indexcard and Pip has been so helpful with feedback for this one

Nouns Art Contribution Agreement




I, nadie, hereby waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights together with all associated claims and causes of action with respect to this work to the extent possible under the law.
I have read and understand the terms and intended legal effect of the Nouns Art Contribution Agreement, available at, and hereby voluntarily elect to apply it to this contribution.

Contribution name: Abacus head
Contribution specification: 



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