ProposalsProposal 525

Gift Noun 778 to John Hamon

Quorum: 50
Proposed by

TL;DR : In recognition of John Hamon's work with the Nouns project and his massive nounish projection on the Eiffel tower , we propose to award him Noun 778.

In August 2022, John Hamon, a renowned and enigmatic street artist, embarked on an innovative collaboration with NounsDAO via prop 126, blending his ubiquitous presence in Paris and other EU cities with the world of Nouns.

This proposal aims to recognize John Hamon's contributions to the Nouns ecosystem by awarding him Noun 778, symbolizing both our appreciation and the enduring partnership between the artist and the nounish community.

Noun 778 and Hamonoun

About John Hamon

John Hamon is not just an artist; he is a phenomenon in the Parisian street art scene, known for his ubiquitous face plastered across the city since 2001. Beyond tangible spaces, he always seeks new canvases, delving into NFTs, the Metaverse, and AR early on.

His motto, "It is the promotion that makes the artist," aligns seamlessly with the ethos of the Nouns project as an open-source brand.

Prop 126

A little recap:

  • The proposal led to the creation and distribution of 1,000 wheat posters across Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Madrid and Berlin (and Bruxelles might be next, who knows...)

Paris, Madrid and Berlin

  • High impression posts and Parisian newspapers cover story (800k papers) with a paragraph about NounsDAO.
  • John Hamon recently orchestrated a spectacular projection on the Eiffel Tower during NFT Paris. Now that's a serious noun-signal! Here is a link to mint JH would also like to send one edition to the NounsDAO treasury.
  • JH and the noggles were also recently spotted on a very large screen in Timesquare, NY.
  • On top of that, John Hamon further amplified the campaign's reach by changing his profile pictures on Twitter, Instagram - and Whatsapp- to feature the Nouns glasses, leveraging his following and friends to introduce Nouns to a broader audience.


If awarded noun 778, John is eager to participate in governance, expressing interest in delegating his Noun to community members who support creative initiatives.


This partnership exemplifies the potential of collaboration between artists and the DAO, hopefully paving the way for future projects together with conceptual and street artists within the Nouns ecosystem.

Thank you ⌐◨-◨