While I can understand some of the apprehensions around why this isn't perfect, it's a step in the right direction. This is the most clear and concise version of public goods. And maybe it's my Gitcoin background helping me see it through a more positive light too.
The Amigos made a decision!
mczm3ro | "Water is a global problem, the numbers are shocking and it is great that nouns can join in supporting these types of social impact solutions. Much success!"
For: 4 | Against: 0 | Abstain: 1
+for — @symbiotech
+for hell yeah — @defijesus
+for can see daylight — @w-g
+for absolutely 👍 — @pagand
+abstain "Princess of Sierra Leone"? 🤔 — @pip
via @zeroweight
I'm a big fan on using onchain tools and funding mechanisms to create IRL change. I'd like to see more of these props put more effort into "Impact Onboarding". Using this opportunity to create meaningful adoption not only improves the prop, it also positions the community for additional funding opportunities based on their onchain impact. I can envision local adoption resulting in funding from RteroPGF or projects with a focus on emerging markets, Lisk for example. These are the types of communities that can serve as a case study, allowing us to learn more about how public goods funding mechanisms create change and help us grow the ecosystem.
Nounboarding should consist of more than funding and one or two pieces of content with people wearing Noggles. This extra effort helps proliferate Nouns as an organization capable of creating change.
I'm confident this prop can pass with more Impact Onboarding implemented.
Supportive of this prop and it’s received a lot of good feedback. Voting Yes to encourage the team to revise and try again. 2 things I would like to see in these kinds of props; onboarding and minting. This initiative has the opportunity to onboard a lot of people to Ethereum. Everyone from the Princesses staff to anyone holding a shovel should be onboarded with a wallet, their first NFT and a splits contract from NFT mints. I encourage projects like these to mint everything. Tell a story using a collaborative 1155 collection. An Instagram story last 24 hours an NFT collection lasts forever. I present Fridays at The Park in Honduras as an example of behinds the scenes and NFT storytelling that will maximize the initiative of the prop. (Check out this site! https://zora.co/manage/1155/base:0x878dd96c70b1bef2d1a4c307266579cb958cbf04 ) In addition they onboarded musicians, farmers and coffee people who minted their first NFT to this collection and started collecting protocol rewards. Onboarding and minting the journey can maximize the impact of this proposal for both Nouns and Sierre Leon.
I have missfeelings on this one. On one side I'd love to say yes. It really fits the Nouns purpose. On the other hand there are parts that feel off. I suggest proposers to gather feedback and try again. This can be done properly I believe with substantial changes.
Appreciate the feedback everyone! I've had a chat with Rachel and will be letting this proposal run for the last day to get any last feedback and then plan for a rework in collaboration with Xargs + NounsDAO Africa for a future proposal.
+1 Drew and Noun 40. I also brought up some concerns on the Nouncil call that i'm not sure can be answered so easily and leave some question marks in my mind where I currently feel uncomfortable voting for. Appreciate the proposers for coming and speaking about the prop. I hope to see them stick around, further involve themselves in Nouns, and grow into a prop that makes sense for the dao <3
(noun40 voting via agora)
ugh this is a tough one but voting against. i'm not against nouns funding charitable projects (for example a recent example is nouns funding rebuilding of a community school in uganda: https://www.nouns.camp/proposals/477). but i like prop 477 b/c it feels a lot more grassroots and organic. in that case, davin the proposer is a long time nouns fan and community member, the school is the school davin himself went to, and he's going to be involved in the rebuilding of it directly. with this prop, brennen and pat are the nouns liasons, rachel is the proposer effectively it seems who knows sarah, sarah culberson is kind of the brand name spokes person, and her foundation will be doing the actual work. it just feels all too intermediated and not really a direct relationship to the thing that's happening. in some ways it feels like more just traditional charity work where a noteworthy person raises funding via their reputation. while this is a good cause, i don't think this this is a case where we can uniquely be a funder for the intended work or a funding story that is noteworthy that will spread the story of nouns. really appreciate rachel and brennen/pat for bringing this prop to nouns but voting against for the reasons above.
0x9e0e9D25a5ED9bc773f91691f0b45599255257B1 | "Reason: Risks of over-reliance on key figures, execution challenges, and concerns over budget allocation might outweigh the benefits."
0xADa31Add8450CA0422983B9a3103633b78938617 | *"LIL NOUNCIL HAS SPOKEN
Delegate to Lil Nouncil here -> https://lilnouns.wtf/delegate?to=lilnouncil.eth"*
While I appreciate the good intentions behind this proposal, and I want to be clear that providing clean drinking water to communities in need is an unquestionably worthy cause, I find myself unable to support the prop as it currently stands due to concerns about the media plan.
Projects like this are opportunities to prove that communities like ours can be a real force for good in the world, going beyond onetime donations and forging deep, meaningful connections with the people and causes we support. I have a sense from Brennen’s vote that this is supposed to be the first step towards that — but I’m abstaining to prompt a discussion about how to build that level of connection into props, as well as kickstart a conversation about our goals and values as a community. We need to ask ourselves: How does charitable work like this align with our mission of proliferating Nouns? How are we sharing that work with the world?
The promise of ‘getting coverage of boots on the ground’ and putting noggles on the project leader and having them thank the Nouns community feels directionally incorrect. It positions Nouns as a benefactor, puts the proposer on the hook for distribution, and also creates some strange optics (no pun intended) by requiring the ones doing charitable work to put noggles on as a ‘make good’ for funding. To truly be effective, proposals of this nature need to have a specific vision for how they plan to proliferate Nouns.
Imagine if this proposal were rewritten to include an expanded media budget that funded screenings of a short documentary about the well project in key cities around the world. These events could serve as powerful educational opportunities, teaching attendees about the Nouns treasury and the transformative potential of an onchain internet that can democratize financial access. This approach could extend the reach and impact of the initiative far beyond our own crypto-native bubble, touching the lives of people who might never otherwise encounter our community.
Or consider the possibility of making the raw footage of the well construction available to the entire Nouns community, inviting everyone to create their own edits and interpretations of the material. A revised prop might allocate a portion of the budget to award prizes to the creators of the most compelling videos.
Neither of these suggestions may be right for this exact prop, but what I’m conveying is the belief that we should be leveraging the power of our community and what makes Nouns unique. If we’re truly focused on proliferation, then every proposal we consider must be crafted with an eye towards creating a story worth telling.
I do think this is a story worth telling.
We should definitely do this, but reconsider the coverage and how we as a community (can) show up to all of this. It matters as much as the action of building the actual well.
While I appreciate the good intentions behind this proposal, and I want to be clear that providing clean drinking water to communities in need is an unquestionably worthy cause, I find myself unable to support the prop as it currently stands due to concerns about the media plan.
Projects like this are opportunities to prove that communities like ours can be a real force for good in the world, going beyond onetime donations and forging deep, meaningful connections with the people and causes we support. I have a sense from Brennen’s vote that this is supposed to be the first step towards that — but I’m abstaining to prompt a discussion about how to build that level of connection into props, as well as kickstart a conversation about our goals and values as a community. We need to ask ourselves: How does charitable work like this align with our mission of proliferating Nouns? How are we sharing that work with the world?
The promise of ‘getting coverage of boots on the ground’ and putting noggles on the project leader and having them thank the Nouns community feels directionally incorrect. It positions Nouns as a benefactor, puts the proposer on the hook for distribution, and also creates some strange optics (no pun intended) by requiring the ones doing charitable work to put noggles on as a ‘make good’ for funding. To truly be effective, proposals of this nature need to have a specific vision for how they plan to proliferate Nouns.
Imagine if this proposal were rewritten to include an expanded media budget that funded screenings of a short documentary about the well project in key cities around the world. These events could serve as powerful educational opportunities, teaching attendees about the Nouns treasury and the transformative potential of an onchain internet that can democratize financial access. This approach could extend the reach and impact of the initiative far beyond our own crypto-native bubble, touching the lives of people who might never otherwise encounter our community.
Or consider the possibility of making the raw footage of the well construction available to the entire Nouns community, inviting everyone to create their own edits and interpretations of the material. A revised prop might allocate a portion of the budget to award prizes to the creators of the most compelling videos.
Neither of these suggestions may be right for this exact prop, but what I’m conveying is the belief that we should be leveraging the power of our community and what makes Nouns unique. If we’re truly focused on proliferation, then every proposal we consider must be crafted with an eye towards creating a story worth telling.
the third paragraph articulated well my thoughts.
While I appreciate the good intentions behind this proposal, and I want to be clear that providing clean drinking water to communities in need is an unquestionably worthy cause, I find myself unable to support the prop as it currently stands due to concerns about the media plan.
Projects like this are opportunities to prove that communities like ours can be a real force for good in the world, going beyond onetime donations and forging deep, meaningful connections with the people and causes we support. I have a sense from Brennen’s vote that this is supposed to be the first step towards that — but I’m abstaining to prompt a discussion about how to build that level of connection into props, as well as kickstart a conversation about our goals and values as a community. We need to ask ourselves: How does charitable work like this align with our mission of proliferating Nouns? How are we sharing that work with the world?
The promise of ‘getting coverage of boots on the ground’ and putting noggles on the project leader and having them thank the Nouns community feels directionally incorrect. It positions Nouns as a benefactor, puts the proposer on the hook for distribution, and also creates some strange optics (no pun intended) by requiring the ones doing charitable work to put noggles on as a ‘make good’ for funding. To truly be effective, proposals of this nature need to have a specific vision for how they plan to proliferate Nouns.
Imagine if this proposal were rewritten to include an expanded media budget that funded screenings of a short documentary about the well project in key cities around the world. These events could serve as powerful educational opportunities, teaching attendees about the Nouns treasury and the transformative potential of an onchain internet that can democratize financial access. This approach could extend the reach and impact of the initiative far beyond our own crypto-native bubble, touching the lives of people who might never otherwise encounter our community.
Or consider the possibility of making the raw footage of the well construction available to the entire Nouns community, inviting everyone to create their own edits and interpretations of the material. A revised prop might allocate a portion of the budget to award prizes to the creators of the most compelling videos.
Neither of these suggestions may be right for this exact prop, but what I’m conveying is the belief that we should be leveraging the power of our community and what makes Nouns unique. If we’re truly focused on proliferation, then every proposal we consider must be crafted with an eye towards creating a story worth telling.
Doing good is good, appearing good is good too. But funding-wise, I’m not sure we should spend more than 1/3 on 'appearing', especially when it’s not outlined beyond merch & a video recap. I’d be much more comfortable voting yes for a prop where more than 90% goes directly to the 'doing good' part.
Additionally my hope is that our relationship with Sarah Culbertson is more of what brennen is describing, and less of a paid speaking engagement (where we as Nouns would simply be joining the ranks of Capital One, AT&T & RBC Insurance Services, Inc., etc. - In which case it's not about who we’d be paying, but rather the principle of allocating funds for a professional speaker’s fees that I'd find painfully not nounish).
Building wells is nounish, which is why I’m voting yes. Cautiously optimistic on everything else part of this prop.
Struggling to make up my mind on this one so choosing to abstain. Thanks matas and drew for helping inform my decision.
Doing good is good, appearing good is good too. But funding-wise, I’m not sure we should spend more than 1/3 on 'appearing', especially when it’s not outlined beyond merch & a video recap. I’d be much more comfortable voting yes for a prop where more than 90% goes directly to the 'doing good' part.
Additionally my hope is that our relationship with Sarah Culbertson is more of what brennen is describing, and less of a paid speaking engagement (where we as Nouns would simply be joining the ranks of Capital One, AT&T & RBC Insurance Services, Inc., etc. - In which case it's not about who we’d be paying, but rather the principle of allocating funds for a professional speaker’s fees that I'd find painfully not nounish).
Building wells is nounish, which is why I’m voting yes. Cautiously optimistic on everything else part of this prop.
The Nouncil has spoken.
We discuss all Nouns proposals every week in our Discord https://discord.gg/fdjJpMeV6K. The calls are public and all are welcome!
You can find previous call recordings here: https://nouncil.notion.site/30328df718424f17a623859018497fc2?v=806b5234a2a34b619c3d5028bcd879f0&pvs=4
The Nouncil poll closed with a tie and almost the same amount of abstains, very split across the board. There was apprehension around aspects like potential lack of due diligence, human exploitation and what nouns could be getting itself into. The proposal was presented during the Nouncil call so proposers were able to make their case, but ultimately the vote was divided and we must abstain as we didn't hit the vote threshold of 18.
peterpandam | "good cause by good people, very nounish"
cheffo | "One of the easiest yes votes yet!"
benbodhi | "This is really cool. Another prop I would love to show people when explaining nouns to them."
creatressart | "I like the social good inspect and the marketing aspect from her Disney story development can be good for nouns proliferation if she continues to reference the prop project over time"
+1 to Drew's perspective - I like the intent, but I'm not convinced this is a good execution that will contribute positively to our mission.
Building wells is clearly a good charity work we should be supporting. However, the bigger reason to vote for this proposal is the opportunity to establish a relationship with a very important globally recognized person. Creating more opportunities on the world stage to demonstrate the work nouns can do and hopefully activate better and more interesting proposals in the future. Of course, if the disney thing works out and Princess Sarah rocks noggles, thats pretty awesome combination. Let's do good in the world and make steps towards being recognized on the world stage!
While I appreciate the good intentions behind this proposal, and I want to be clear that providing clean drinking water to communities in need is an unquestionably worthy cause, I find myself unable to support the prop as it currently stands due to concerns about the media plan.
Projects like this are opportunities to prove that communities like ours can be a real force for good in the world, going beyond onetime donations and forging deep, meaningful connections with the people and causes we support. I have a sense from Brennen’s vote that this is supposed to be the first step towards that — but I’m abstaining to prompt a discussion about how to build that level of connection into props, as well as kickstart a conversation about our goals and values as a community. We need to ask ourselves: How does charitable work like this align with our mission of proliferating Nouns? How are we sharing that work with the world?
The promise of ‘getting coverage of boots on the ground’ and putting noggles on the project leader and having them thank the Nouns community feels directionally incorrect. It positions Nouns as a benefactor, puts the proposer on the hook for distribution, and also creates some strange optics (no pun intended) by requiring the ones doing charitable work to put noggles on as a ‘make good’ for funding. To truly be effective, proposals of this nature need to have a specific vision for how they plan to proliferate Nouns.
Imagine if this proposal were rewritten to include an expanded media budget that funded screenings of a short documentary about the well project in key cities around the world. These events could serve as powerful educational opportunities, teaching attendees about the Nouns treasury and the transformative potential of an onchain internet that can democratize financial access. This approach could extend the reach and impact of the initiative far beyond our own crypto-native bubble, touching the lives of people who might never otherwise encounter our community.
Or consider the possibility of making the raw footage of the well construction available to the entire Nouns community, inviting everyone to create their own edits and interpretations of the material. A revised prop might allocate a portion of the budget to award prizes to the creators of the most compelling videos.
Neither of these suggestions may be right for this exact prop, but what I’m conveying is the belief that we should be leveraging the power of our community and what makes Nouns unique. If we’re truly focused on proliferation, then every proposal we consider must be crafted with an eye towards creating a story worth telling.
Building wells is clearly a good charity work we should be supporting. However, the bigger reason to vote for this proposal is the opportunity to establish a relationship with a very important globally recognized person. Creating more opportunities on the world stage to demonstrate the work nouns can do and hopefully activate better and more interesting proposals in the future. Of course, if the disney thing works out and Princess Sarah rocks noggles, thats pretty awesome combination. Let's do good in the world and make steps towards being recognized on the world stage!
Charity Water, a charity that builds wells for villages in Africa, has always been one of my favorites because the positive impact relative to the capital requirements is off the charts.
To brennen's point, this seems like a win win win where we can not only have a positive impact, but also cultivate a relationship and help raise positive awareness for Nouns and Web3 globally.
Building wells is clearly a good charity work we should be supporting. However, the bigger reason to vote for this proposal is the opportunity to establish a relationship with a very important globally recognized person. Creating more opportunities on the world stage to demonstrate the work nouns can do and hopefully activate better and more interesting proposals in the future. Of course, if the disney thing works out and Princess Sarah rocks noggles, thats pretty awesome combination. Let's do good in the world and make steps towards being recognized on the world stage!
Hi Krel.eth! Thank you for your curiosity, and I am happy to answer these great questions.
1). Village identification: Since the initial drafting of this proposal, we've identified where we will start the building, which will be in the village of Bumpe, as it is the most accessible area for us to start.
2). Construction: As for the construction, Princess Sarah's non-profit Sierra Leone Rising (https://www.sierraleonerising.org/) is partnered with World Hope International (https://worldhope.org), and you can see on their website the technical drilling training in their video here: (https://youtu.be/WYrWPUUokCU)
3). Timeline: Once we're approved, we aim to have drilling begin in April, and we will have the ceremony where we will be creating the video content mid to late May.
I hope this covers everything! 😃
We're thrilled to share an opportunity that meets at the intersection of Web3 and humanitarian efforts. Together with Princess Sarah Culberson, Princess of Sierra Leone and founder of the Sierra Leone Rising foundation, Nouns and the University of Ethereum are embarking on a mission to bring clean, accessible drinking water to the regions of Sierra Leone that need it most through kickstarting a well-building initiative!
VIDEO 1: Princess Sarah Culberson sporting Noggles to create a thank you video for the Nouns community to share.
VIDEO 2: We will get video coverage of those who are boots on the ground in Sierra Leone, and will offer Noggles to those building the first well and create a video that showcases the public good that the Nouns community has brought to the village of Bumpe.
University of Ethereum Support: We will encourage the student members of the University of Ethereum to join in the conversation and amplify the message of Nouns while showcasing positive humanitarian efforts, and sharing our story with student members globally. A student scholarship will be provided by De University of Ethereum for a member of the community to join Rachel in documenting this project back to the Nouns community.
Sierra Leone faces a severe shortage of clean drinking water, with only 2% of the population having access to it. This critical issue has far-reaching consequences, contributing to health problems and making survival in the country extremely challenging.
Joining forces with future Disney princess of Sierra Leone, Princess Sarah Culberson, we aim to tackle this crisis head-on by initiating a "Well Station" pilot project. The project integrates the specific needs of local communities with manual and electric pump options.
By supporting this initiative, the Nouns community becomes a catalyst for positive change in Sierra Leone. Imagine Princess Sarah sporting Noggles as she creates a heartfelt video, expressing gratitude for our collaborative efforts. Moreover, as we engage in well-building initiatives, we'll capture video coverage of the humanitarian endeavors and compile "thank you" videos from individuals donning Noggles. This not only amplifies our impact but also creates a tangible and heartwarming connection between our community and the people we're helping.
Princess Sarah's familial ties to Sierra Leone, with her brother Hindo Kposowa overseeing a chiefdom of 75,000 people in the "Southern Province," and her uncle serving as the president, provide a unique opportunity to garner support from the local community in our endeavors. We are currently identifying the exact villages in need, determining necessary materials, and initiating logistical discussions. See map of the region above!
Total Budget: 14ETH
(1) Water Well Creation + Manual / Electric Pump Systems 9ETH
The ETH will go towards building the first well to build along with manual / electric pump systems, so this initial 9 ETH will help us kick off the first well and pilot program. We will be doing an accounting report after this first well is created to support future well systems.
(2) Media Creation: 4ETH
Travel to document the initial pilot project and for production of a video recap (Videographer + Editor costs)
(3) Nouns Merchandise Purchase: 1ETH
Purchase of Noggles and other merchandise to give away during promotional events upon well completion
Envisioning Sustainable Impact:
Our commitment extends beyond immediate solutions, striving for enduring change in Sierra Leone’s Southern Province. As the initial phase unfolds, we look ahead to:
As we embark on this impactful journey, your involvement is crucial. Explore Princess Sarah's mission on the Sierra Leone Rising Website, and witness her incredible journey on Now This and NBC News, while also seeing CNN coverage of her signing with Disney in 2019 to create a Disney film based on her story. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to contribute your support.
Let's come together and make a lasting impact that helps people who need it most. Together, we can bring clean water, hope, and positive change to the resilient people of Sierra Leone!
See our recent video discussion with Princess Sarah on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMkAgXIjQ0w
Sierra Leone Rising Website: https://www.sierraleonerising.org/
Princess Sarah’s Website: https://sarahculberson.com/
Princess Sarah’s Story on “Now This”: https://youtu.be/Ie_m_eBevUI?feature=shared
Disney Movie Reference: A Disney spokesperson has confirmed that Princess Sarah’s story is being turned into a Disney movie which is in the early stages of development! See reference here: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/disney-sierra-leone-princess-trnd/index.html
NBC News Story: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/quest-find-birth-family-woman-makes-life-altering-discovery-she-n1251296
De University of Ethereum Website: https://ueth.org
We're thrilled to share an opportunity that meets at the intersection of Web3 and humanitarian efforts. Together with Princess Sarah Culberson, Princess of Sierra Leone and founder of the Sierra Leone Rising foundation, Nouns and the University of Ethereum are embarking on a mission to bring clean, accessible drinking water to the regions of Sierra Leone that need it most through kickstarting a well-building initiative!
VIDEO 1: Princess Sarah Culberson sporting Noggles to create a thank you video for the Nouns community to share.
VIDEO 2: We will get video coverage of those who are boots on the ground in Sierra Leone, and will offer Noggles to those building the first well and create a video that showcases the public good that the Nouns community has brought to the village of Bumpe.
University of Ethereum Support: We will encourage the student members of the University of Ethereum to join in the conversation and amplify the message of Nouns while showcasing positive humanitarian efforts, and sharing our story with student members globally. A student scholarship will be provided by De University of Ethereum for a member of the community to join Rachel in documenting this project back to the Nouns community.
Sierra Leone faces a severe shortage of clean drinking water, with only 2% of the population having access to it. This critical issue has far-reaching consequences, contributing to health problems and making survival in the country extremely challenging.
Joining forces with future Disney princess of Sierra Leone, Princess Sarah Culberson, we aim to tackle this crisis head-on by initiating a "Well Station" pilot project. The project integrates the specific needs of local communities with manual and electric pump options.
By supporting this initiative, the Nouns community becomes a catalyst for positive change in Sierra Leone. Imagine Princess Sarah sporting Noggles as she creates a heartfelt video, expressing gratitude for our collaborative efforts. Moreover, as we engage in well-building initiatives, we'll capture video coverage of the humanitarian endeavors and compile "thank you" videos from individuals donning Noggles. This not only amplifies our impact but also creates a tangible and heartwarming connection between our community and the people we're helping.
Princess Sarah's familial ties to Sierra Leone, with her brother Hindo Kposowa overseeing a chiefdom of 75,000 people in the "Southern Province," and her uncle serving as the president, provide a unique opportunity to garner support from the local community in our endeavors. We are currently identifying the exact villages in need, determining necessary materials, and initiating logistical discussions. See map of the region above!
Total Budget: 14ETH
(1) Water Well Creation + Manual / Electric Pump Systems 9ETH
The ETH will go towards building the first well to build along with manual / electric pump systems, so this initial 9 ETH will help us kick off the first well and pilot program. We will be doing an accounting report after this first well is created to support future well systems.
(2) Media Creation: 4ETH
Travel to document the initial pilot project and for production of a video recap (Videographer + Editor costs)
(3) Nouns Merchandise Purchase: 1ETH
Purchase of Noggles and other merchandise to give away during promotional events upon well completion
Envisioning Sustainable Impact:
Our commitment extends beyond immediate solutions, striving for enduring change in Sierra Leone’s Southern Province. As the initial phase unfolds, we look ahead to:
As we embark on this impactful journey, your involvement is crucial. Explore Princess Sarah's mission on the Sierra Leone Rising Website, and witness her incredible journey on Now This and NBC News, while also seeing CNN coverage of her signing with Disney in 2019 to create a Disney film based on her story. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to contribute your support.
Let's come together and make a lasting impact that helps people who need it most. Together, we can bring clean water, hope, and positive change to the resilient people of Sierra Leone!
See our recent video discussion with Princess Sarah on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMkAgXIjQ0w
Sierra Leone Rising Website: https://www.sierraleonerising.org/
Princess Sarah’s Website: https://sarahculberson.com/
Princess Sarah’s Story on “Now This”: https://youtu.be/Ie_m_eBevUI?feature=shared
Disney Movie Reference: A Disney spokesperson has confirmed that Princess Sarah’s story is being turned into a Disney movie which is in the early stages of development! See reference here: https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/disney-sierra-leone-princess-trnd/index.html
NBC News Story: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/quest-find-birth-family-woman-makes-life-altering-discovery-she-n1251296
De University of Ethereum Website: https://ueth.org