Hello. I’ve been asked by some voters to comment. Aside from a few DMs and sharing a bit of my story in Nouncil (where this prop was sponsored ~a month ago via vote), I have been shying away from commenting as I’m naturally conflict-averse.
I will say that I never expected the DAO to pay me back for this. I do appreciate Pipe for feeling so strongly about me and my situation that he has pursued it on his own for the last few months when he knew I struggled with how to approach it myself.
Around the time of Prop 173, as an attending DAO member and local, I was communicating often with the proposer and providing occasional input. The proposer asked if I could assist with some logistical stuff here in the NYC area, and so I spent the entire day before the event coordinating, driving, and retrieving sailing equipment with him.
It was around this time that I was asked if I could assist the proposer financially with some day of the event expenses (media team payments, media which we never saw any of). It was framed that the proposer was having difficulty coordinating financially due to travels and timelines (international/banks/idk). Unfortunately, I didn’t think much of it under the context of a 154 ETH proposal, and so I provided some money under the guise of helping the event go smoothly.
The event happened, and the proposer returned home and insisted that I would get my money back ASAP. It’s now ~10 months since the time of the proposal, and I never received anything back. To be truthful, I did lend some money beyond this initial loan, and that feels even more embarrassing to be discussing/having the DAO vote on. I had some ETH in my wallet and had difficulty saying no. For whatever reason, I still had some trust left at this point.
I continued to remain optimistic and somewhat hopeful throughout last year until the Nounify Korea proposal passed. I began to feel disheartened, as the proposer received 52k USDC, and did not reach out to me regarding our situation. There was some communication on and off before that, but I wrongfully assumed some progress would be made here.
It was at this point that I began to accept a total and ever-growing loss (ETH appreciation), and reduced communication/trust in the proposer. Proposal 406 came around, and I chose to speak out to some DAO members, as I did not feel it was best for nouns to continue funding this proposer/similar events. Even if this meant I would never see a dime back.
That’s mostly the gist, but at least I learned how to sail.