ProposalsProposal 470


146.5 ETH to fund 6 months of development of Nerman.js - Nouns SDK, general Nouns developer resources and dashboards, the Nounish event feed discord bot, creative marketing, and developer community building. We've also asked for 1 Noun to retrofund work completed in Nov + Dec.


Read our Work Summary / Final Propdate

We have been busy! The last few months have been a wild ride in Nouns DAO. From DAO v3 forks and candidate proposals to governance pool auctions, Nymz anon-posting, and Propdates, the DAO has had significant changes to its operations and social structures. Our Nerman SDK and Discord bot have made these changes much easier to follow, helping Nerman tell the story of Nouns to the community. We have also completed our Nouns data indexer and released the API to showcase what we can do. This is just the beginning.



Nouns DAO - Keeping Up

This DAO moves at a frantic pace. One of Nerman's primary goals is to stay on top of DAO changes, supporting new features as fast as we can. In the last term we quickly implemented DAO v3 events, giving Nouners a simple feed to follow the story of forks, candidate proposals, fork dao activity, etc.

The Verbs team outlined more DAO changes in Prop 458. If Nouns Governor or any other contracts launch during this period we will promptly support the contracts in Nerman.js, get their events into our Nounish feeds, work the new features into documentation for devs and the general public, support all write functions needed to interact with the contracts, and post about the new functionality to social media.

We will also continue to improve general utility for all current Nouns DAO contracts. High priority on the list is some helper functions to summarize and make sense of DAO proposal transactions. These helper functions are something all front-end clients can use.

Nouns DAO - Write Functions

Nerman.js SDK currently listens to Nouns DAO contract events and reads data from Nouns DAO contracts. We're missing one big thing: Write Functions! Submitting proposals, bidding, casting votes, adding traits... people interact with the DAO through write functions, and we want to provide devs with standardized tools to use them. This will be useful to people building bots, programming front-end gov clients, and anyone trying to write code to interact with the DAO.

  • support all Nouns contract write functions
  • document how to call functions with example data
  • code helper functions to format arguments, ie formatting proposal content and transaction data, trait submissions, etc.
  • code helper functions to sanitize and check user input for errors
  • experiment with additional functionality such as Wilson Cusack's voteWithAttribution idea, using the datasuffix to attribute each vote cast to a front-end client
  • provide standard solutions to more complicated or time-sensitive interactions, such as auction bids on Nouns websites. We can document how to show when a transaction is placed in the mempool, and when it is finalized, so developers know exactly what functionality to implement for live engagement.

Prop House Protocol - Events

The Prop House Protocol is live! Congratulations to the Prop House team bringing it all on-chain. Now Nerman has some work to do. Using their SDK we want to add all Prop House events to Nerman.js and get those notifications into the hands of the Nouns community, supporting events like new house, new round, vote cast, winners announced, etc.

We will work with Discord communities to add these notifications, feeds, and forums as appropriate, helping people follow and participate in Prop House. A high priority of ours will be to support the Nouns token house and make it as entertaining and celebrated as possible.

Snapshot - Events

We will create Snapshot support in Nerman.js that lets a user specify a community on Snapshot and listen to its events, such as new Proposals and votes, and to get results when the vote is complete. SharkDAO is already using our SDK to receive Nouns events, and we would also like to support creating proposals to help daos automate voting in Nouns DAO. This will also serve as a general utility Snapshot notification tool, and anyone using Snapshot outside of Nouns will be able to make use of this too.

Nounish Feeds Discord Bot

Continued quality of life improvements on our Nounish Feeds discord bot as well as new feature addition.

  • Proposal Forums - add proposal status tags so we can easily sort props by status or do things like only view active proposals
  • Support for Reddit to post all /r/nounsdao content in Discord
  • Support for Farcaster to get Nouns Channel posts into Discord


One major goal this term is to fully document all of Nouns DAO write functions, including a guide to formatting the arguments for people calling the functions. We will add Etherscan links to all contract pages, as well as link to any Nouns Front-End Governance Clients that support those functions. Our documentation is essentially a decentralized entry point to working with and using the Nouns protocol. We will continue to work on the Nouns contracts section, and create separate pages for each contract with a canon summary of contract history and ABIs.

Meanwhile we will maintain consistent documentation for the code within Nerman.js and our Discord bot. We will create a Nouns developer portal, a landing page for all devs. One main focus of ours this term is going to be supporting web-developers specifically. We would like to demonstrate common Nouns DAO queries, reading from contracts directly or using our indexed data. For instance, calculating dynamic quorum live with the adjusted supply and getting all info for a given address (Nouns held, delegated to, vote statistics, etc). This will make building front ends much easier, giving devs instant solutions to common problems and letting them focus solely on the experience and innovation.

Marketing & Media

Now that more of the Nerman toolkit is functional we want to start building a developer community and incentivizing people to build with Nouns. This term we aim to regularly post general interest dev content and threads to twitter, farcaster, and reddit. We will also explore the dao contracts and feature other developers working in Nouns.

We want to bring Nerman to life and create a short video with the character. This will feature Nouns, Nounish things, Nerman, etc. It will be a fun comedic Nounish short featuring Nerman, a bit of story, and a lil developer haha here and there. Joel Cares will write and direct it.

Finally - we will run some competitions through Prop House and to bring together the developer community and have some fun with Nerman and Nouns!


Our intention is to be malleable and adaptive, always working on the tasks that benefit Nouns DAO the most. New projects may arise that take our full attention to support. However, if we find ourselves with extra time, we will complete tasks outlined below.

Nerman.js - Media Wrangling

We want to make it simple for anyone to access, render, modify, and submit Nouns art on-chain. We also want to develop off-chain utilities to assist with utilizing the media. We will put extra effort into supporting the Descriptor and Seeder contracts and developing simple tools to:

  • develop transactions to add traits
  • develop processes to work with palettes while building traits
  • check that art is compatible with current palettes on Nouns DAO
  • submit additional palettes
  • Convert on-chain art into a variety of file formats of various sizes
  • Render art off-chain from seeds
  • provide best practices for cacheing on-chain images and art for use in websites

We also want to build features for media used in other Nouns contracts and websites:

  • Fetch, compress, and cache images and videos from proposals and propdates for more consistent images that won't expire or disappear without warning.
  • When caching ENS addresses we can also standardize how to get a profile picture for an address and cache it.

Nounish Projects

There are many people building projects in the decentralized Nouniverse. Propdates , Federation, and Nouns Nymz are all examples of of significant creations that changed the social dynamics of Nouns. We want to keep up with changes in these projects (we're already implemented the new Propdates v2 contract!) and be ready for any new projects like these that arise. When new projects start to gain traction we will endeavour to support at least an MVP of them as soon as we can.

We will also try to keep up with documentation for these projects, maintaining a canon source for contract history, source code, and ABIs.

Nounish DAO Documentation

  • documenting the contract addresses and ABIs of various Nouns related DAOs to build a map and guide to on-chain Nounish activity

  • Add contract addresses and ABIs to code and to documentation as canonical source of information. If someone wants to know where the Lil Nouns contract is they can ask Nerman.

  • public documentation for other contracts we've fully implemented, for instance Lil Nouns, Propdates, etc, and support for any further projects we support

  • summary of Nounish DAOs across all chains, sorted by treasury size


  • funding for the team to continue developing Nerman up to June 30, 2024.
  • all code will be open source and released under a permissive license (such as MIT).


Development Team Costs - 117 ETH

  • 6 months of work from a dev team led by Joel Cares, one additional full time dev, and contractors as needed.

Marketing - 29.5 ETH

  • Marketing video to drive attention to docs, tools, and developer portal - 11.5 ETH
  • Illustrations, diagrams, and other creative goodies for - 10 ETH
  • Public Competition Fund - 8 ETH

Nov / Dec Retrofund - 1 Noun
Our funding stopped Oct 31 and we maintained development on the project out-of-pocket. This includes our initial propdate v2 support,, and more. We would like a Noun to retrofund this activity. It will be held by the company Lobal Global and we plan to delegate it to various groups experimenting with governance.

146.5 ETH streamed to bank.lobalglobal.eth over 6 months.
1 Noun transferred to bank.lobalglobal.eth