Create a Nouns marketplace for originals and extension projects.
Build distribution for the NounsDAO: build community and liquidity that NounsDAO can use to potentially curate in the future.
50 ETH for 6 months of marketplace pod operations
Noun 174 (Jacob) Noun 178 (Blequity)
We are the co-creators of Zora, the NFT marketplace protocol. We spend our time building Zora, and have previously created sites like, and
Create a Nouns marketplace for originals and extension projects.
Build distribution for the NounsDAO: build community and liquidity that NounsDAO can use to potentially curate in the future.
50 ETH for 6 months of marketplace pod operations
Noun 174 (Jacob) Noun 178 (Blequity)
We are the co-creators of Zora, the NFT marketplace protocol. We spend our time building Zora, and have previously created sites like, and