we need to do more on encouraging/holding people accountable, infra is a good start
sent from voter.wtf
This is a good primitive.
Currently, propdates are voluntary and are mostly useful for developing a reputation as a contributor. This could easily extend into the system that allows for multi-stage projects, where updates are required and some voting is required to progress and unlock more funding.
Either way, simple but powerful and worth funding in its current state.
Great discussion from other nouns - I was initially for (great for visibility of props), then convinced against (agree that proposers should be incentivized to update, and streaming props should be required to post updates), but ultimately convinced for, since I am default optimistic and default experimentalist. In this case, I like moving forward with this prop, seeing what/how this affects updates in general, and then changing what we dislike or ossifying what we do. Great example of the Nouns DAO having informed debate and coming to consensus.
very bullish on propdates because they create visibility and accountability for the nouns working body. from operating in traditional organizations, this is a critical characteristic of a "high performing team." we should invest in building this muscle for nouns. also mrtn is an epic builder and we should support more epic builders.
This could be a game changing mechanic, as it has already shown potential to be. I feel confident putting trust in this nounish team to work towards optimal propdates integration and incentive structures.
propdates story arc 🤝 nouns flywheel
Nothing to add that havnt already been said. Excited for this team to cook!
Love the streaming payment precedent. Done right, Propdates saves far more money than it costs by adding accountability.
Would hope that proposers don't extrapolate the three months to one year of funding. Future funding may not be guaranteed. Would love to see this get to a sustainable place, either via OSS or via revenue.
sent from voter.wtf
(noun40 voting via agora)
very much support this experiment. I also love this trend of someone building software that organically gets used (15% of props having posted updates is a big accomplishment!) and then coming for funding to take it to the next level. it very much de-risks the "will this get used?" "is this something we need?" question a lot.
I don't mind the small 0.05 ETH incentive to get things kick started. while I agree that the 0.05 ETH shouldn't be the primary reason someone posts an update, it can be a reason the product itself gets a bit of buzz (it can be easier for someone to ping a non-updated prop proposer and be like "hey, you should post an update and claim your 0.05 ETH" almost as a gift rather than a shaming conversation). once we get through the initial stage, it can become more sustained by our culture (positive reinforcement) and light social pressure (nobody wants to be the only prop that hasn't posted an update), similar to how vwr became a part of our culture over time.
rooting for this propdates! (I'll also get my props all updated soon as well... been on my todos)
Although I've posted a bunch to Propdates, I have to agree with 12 here. It's not an interface problem, it's an incentive problem. I think there's some smaller first principles experiments to be done here first. I imagine in future, such "propdates" will be required to continue streaming funds, or unlock a milestone payment. I'd love to hear more about the broader vision.
In my opinion, it makes sense to fund this great team that invests their time in building a lot of useful tools. It is a fair point that not all funded tools stick and are used continuously by the DAO; however, I believe we collectively learn from these ideas. One such example is Nouns.camp, where the team incorporated the best practices from previous government clients and user experiences.
I hope Propdates team succeeds in solving the listed problems and challenges.
Although I like the update platform, I'd like to see more focus on sustaining the site long term and less on incentives. Updating on props should be somehow built into receiving funding.
I do like this team but would like to see this prop reworked.
Would love to see prop updates becoming more of a norm and expectation from the dao for funded props and to continue streams.
Note: Sadly, most of the lil nouns voters missed the vote on this one... The vote delay change is actually effecting our turnout so this one swung 'against' :/ ....This serves as a reminder to come pitch lil nouns your props for a greater chance at getting our 16 votes ⌐◨-◨
sent from voter.wtf
eusoujp.eth | "Propdates is a game changer and I'm sure it's still in its embryonic stage. I can't wait to see it become a standard in the community."
nekofar.com | "We have many clients and frontends at the moment. However, I need to see their benefits to our community."
We don't need more places for people to update how their Proposal is going at a 120 ETH cost per year. The problem is not a lack of place for this but a lack of feeling compelled to update or be accountable for many Proposals.
Making it normative that a proposer should be PAID extra to update their Proposals is not a good precedent to set, it's just I think misunderstanding both incentives and the actual problem of "What happened to past Proposals?" both
Propdate is an exciting innovation that I would like to see mature and become a core piece of Nouns infrastructure and a Public Good available to all Nounish organizations. Team is proven. Plan is very good. Ask is extremely reasonable. Let them cook.
Great work! Much needed. We should encourage meaningful and detailed updates instead of sheer quantity. Linking streamed funds to progress updates and allowing nouners to vote to unlock a % could be an interesting idea. Additionally, it would be great if the website could gather on-chain data about recent proposals, like the amount of ETH spent over a certain time. Maybe that's a separate project but I would love a one-stop-shop for the DAO to get a better understanding of how the ETH is spent
reposting from candidate signal: "propdates is at worst an experiment worth running and at best an entire new vector within the nouns ecosystem. 3 months seems reasonable for two nounish builder to take on and explore what's possible."
good luck!
“What ever happened to Prop #123?” “What was the most successful Nouns proposal?” “Which proposals should we try to repeat?” “Who are our most committed contributors?”
Propdates is here to answer these questions. With contracts built by Wilson, Propdates is the best way to keep up with Nouns proposals after they pass, and an entirely new design space within the greater Nouns ecosystem. We’ve never had any consistent, onchain way to keep track of contributors’ work, and no way to recommend regular updates. Down the line, one could imagine Propdates as an onchain oracle for proposal progress.
I built the Propdates site and public graph, inspired by Krel’s requests.wtf. What started as a weekend experiment has grown into something much bigger: it’s clear that we’ve tapped into something special. In fact, Propdates has already become part of the pre-proposal conversation process - it is expected that a proposer regularly updates the DAO on their work. In just a few weeks, we already have had 17 unique posters, and more coming.
We’d like to move Propdates from an experiment to a fully-featured Nouns app and a key part of the ecosystem, on par with teams like Agora, Federation, Prop House. Our end goal is for Propdates to be a protocol any contract or app can plug into to determine a proposal’s success. It is clear that it could expand further than just Nouns.
We are asking for three months of funding (more on the team below). Martin will be close to full-time, but working on other projects as well (similar to almost all software proposers). We expect Onion to be part time for two months or so. For these months, our priorities will be:
Our goals by January 31st, 2024 are:
Additionally, we want to encourage past proposals to share updates on their work, but recognize it’s often hard for contributors to track down their sponsoring proposers (pre-v3). We are requesting 0.05 ETH to send to each of the first 100 successful props (before prop #363) that posts a non-trivial update as an incentive to kickstart the protocol. At the time of writing there have been 225 successful proposals, so this would go a long way to getting all proposals marked as completed.
We commit to posting updates on updates.wtf bi-weekly to keep the community updated on our progress. If we do not update, our stream can be canceled.
“What ever happened to Prop #123?” “What was the most successful Nouns proposal?” “Which proposals should we try to repeat?” “Who are our most committed contributors?”
Propdates is here to answer these questions. With contracts built by Wilson, Propdates is the best way to keep up with Nouns proposals after they pass, and an entirely new design space within the greater Nouns ecosystem. We’ve never had any consistent, onchain way to keep track of contributors’ work, and no way to recommend regular updates. Down the line, one could imagine Propdates as an onchain oracle for proposal progress.
I built the Propdates site and public graph, inspired by Krel’s requests.wtf. What started as a weekend experiment has grown into something much bigger: it’s clear that we’ve tapped into something special. In fact, Propdates has already become part of the pre-proposal conversation process - it is expected that a proposer regularly updates the DAO on their work. In just a few weeks, we already have had 17 unique posters, and more coming.
We’d like to move Propdates from an experiment to a fully-featured Nouns app and a key part of the ecosystem, on par with teams like Agora, Federation, Prop House. Our end goal is for Propdates to be a protocol any contract or app can plug into to determine a proposal’s success. It is clear that it could expand further than just Nouns.
We are asking for three months of funding (more on the team below). Martin will be close to full-time, but working on other projects as well (similar to almost all software proposers). We expect Onion to be part time for two months or so. For these months, our priorities will be:
Our goals by January 31st, 2024 are:
Additionally, we want to encourage past proposals to share updates on their work, but recognize it’s often hard for contributors to track down their sponsoring proposers (pre-v3). We are requesting 0.05 ETH to send to each of the first 100 successful props (before prop #363) that posts a non-trivial update as an incentive to kickstart the protocol. At the time of writing there have been 225 successful proposals, so this would go a long way to getting all proposals marked as completed.
We commit to posting updates on updates.wtf bi-weekly to keep the community updated on our progress. If we do not update, our stream can be canceled.