Wilson built the initial Propdates contract, which has been getting a lot of use and positive feedback from the community.
I propose retro funding Wilson 5 ETH for his work on the contracts, as well as refilling the Gas Refund which reimburses gas costs for updates posted on successful transactions. These costs hover around $2 per update. 0.5 ETH should have us covered for the foreseeable future.
Wilson built the initial Propdates contract, which has been getting a lot of use and positive feedback from the community.
I propose retro funding Wilson 5 ETH for his work on the contracts, as well as refilling the Gas Refund which reimburses gas costs for updates posted on successful transactions. These costs hover around $2 per update. 0.5 ETH should have us covered for the foreseeable future.
+1 the onion who +1'd the horse who +1'd the milk who +1'd the duck who agreed with the glass mug of beer
Propdates is so good! It's been long needed and I think it's a great addition to the ecosystem. Rewards well deserved.
Rewarding creators who take the time to make useful or interesting contributions to the DAO is important. Congrats for filing the need and "making something people want"; not an easy task :)
Nothing to do with Propdates, but it would be great if we had better retroactive funding pipeline(s) than going full prop. Paying back what's paid forward, in a timely way, that celebrates the achievement, was fundamental in the early Nouns and is partly responsible for the great community of folks who are still around creating Nounish things.
sent from another Wilson app, voter.wtf
Propdates is a new foundational primitive and its important to thank and reward our builders onchain. Impact = Profit.
eusoujp.eth | "Well deserved. Great tool!"
Agree on not bundling proposals in general but wouldn’t split hairs over 0.5 ETH. For larger amounts it’s good to separate, but gas reimbursements for voting and time spent writing proposals have a cost too.
sent from voter.wtf
🫡 Wilson. +1 to 12. Don't bundle proposals. Letting it slide this time.
borg00000 | "obv"
kwikgamedev | "Wiiiiiiiilson"
benbodhi | "we like propdates!"
+1 4156 who +1 seneca who +1 brennen
Let's get a +1 chain going
sent from voter.wtf
Im not against any of this, I question the if this leads to building and funding a lot of small flashes... I suppose we already were.
I hope PropDates becomes Intgral in how the DAO and other DAOS function as an ulocking mechanism 🦾🔓
(noun40 voting via agora)
thank you for pushing the onchain gov culture forward wilson (first with vwr and now propdates)! well deserved retro.
Great tool. Needed for a while now. Can't wait to see how this develops. Easy yes, imo.
sent from voter.wtf
I do agree with 12, better to have two proposal instead of bundling. But I agree with both so lets pass em together.