ProposalsProposal 382

Bring a million shredders onchain (revised)

Quorum: 57
Proposed by

πŸ“ This is a Proposal 363 revision, addressing feedback received.

Gnars proposes a strategic initiative to empower action sportspeople through communal funding, collective creation, and shared proceeds. The experience and knowledge gained over 16 months of operation has prepared us to further leverage the hypercycle generated by our Goodwill, Network, Advocacy, Releases, and Serendipity. Let's integrate Nouns into our subcultures, and bring a million shredders onchain!

πŸ“ Skateboarding remains our primary illustrative example. Our commitment spans all subcultures we're part of and the term "shredder" describes anyone contributing to them.


Requesting 300,000 USDC

  • A treasury for continuous public terrain park enhancements
  • Fund Shredders that represent gnars as community leaders and ambassadors
  • Operational funds for rewarding our most notable contributors
  • Intuitive onboarding with commemorative QR/NFC plaques
  • Enhance Nouns' outreach with subculture expertise

ie. Funding the revitalisation of public spaces for shredders of all disciplines to express themselves freely while proliferating Nouns βŒβ—¨-β—¨

πŸ›Ή Background/Problem Statement

πŸ“ Cult classic > Corporate cringe. Movements > Marketing.

Skateboarding and similar subcultures, despite their rise in popularity, grapple with commercial overreach and value retention. Some of the most pressing challenges include:

  1. Commercial Exploitation: Outside brands jumping into skateboarding often prioritise profit over authenticity.
  2. Loss of Authenticity: Many skaters, due to financial pressures, might promote brands they don't genuinely align with.
  3. Skater Exploitation: Many skaters, despite their talent, don't receive fair compensation, especially considering the sport's physical demands.
  4. Mainstream Misrepresentation: Media portrayals frequently miss the genuine essence of skateboarding, leaning into stereotypes.
  5. Skatepark Commercialisation: Once-communal skateparks are becoming increasingly commercialised.
  6. Core Values vs. Growth: Balancing foundational skateboarding values with growth opportunities remains a delicate act.

The skateboarding domain needs a thoughtful equilibrium. Brands that genuinely get and respect the skate culture have the potential to collaboratively benefit both parties without diluting the sport's spirit.

πŸ’‘ Proposed Solution

πŸ“ Check out the Meier Skatepark renovation proposal that's currently being delivered

GNARS as an acronym crystallises our ethos, mirroring the Nouns' virtuous cycle, acting as our serendipity engine:

  • Goodwill: Renewing skateparks and introducing new, shred-worthy sculptures
  • Network: Culturally sensitive contributions earn us both visibility and respect
  • Advocacy: Harmonising with communities helps us draw in new enthusiasts
  • Releases: Collective creative outputs with shared proceeds bolster funding
  • Serendipity: Getting onchain empowers shredders, opening fresh avenues

Empowering individuals to step into the blockchain world is central to our mission. Shredders, akin to artists, can undergo transformative experiences through this. Our overarching goal is to amplify our influence, simplify operational processes, and champion those with genuine grassroots credibility.

🌟 Opportunity

πŸ“ We're not just another brand. We're a movement. Head-less so you can shred more!

The Nouns ecosystem, with its unique blend of art, technology, and community, offers a fertile ground for genuine subcultural integration. Our approach is not about plastering logos everywhere but about creating genuine value and experiences.

  1. Skatepark Enhancements: We're not just slapping stickers. We're improving DIY spots and skateparks, making them better for everyone.
  2. Nouns-Themed Sculptures: Introducing Nouns-themed obstacles and sculptures in skateparks worldwide.
  3. QR/NFC Plaques: Simplifying onboarding with intuitive QR/NFC plaques at skateparks.
  4. Subculture Expertise: Leveraging our deep-rooted expertise to enhance Nouns' outreach in various subcultures, such as skating, rollerblading, surfing, bodyboarding, flying and other extreme sports.
  5. Grassroots approach: Empowering Gnars Shredders to engage their local community and organise meetups, beach cleanups and other forms of experiences that cause positive impact on their daily lives.

Our target of onboarding a million shredders might seem lofty, but it’s just a fraction - 0.2% - of the 490 million participants in extreme sports.

To provide some perspective, skateboarding alone boasts 85 million participants. Industries like adventure tourism further validate our optimistic projections, given their sustained growth trajectories.

πŸ“Š Budget Breakdown

Per the TLDR, our ask is 300,000 USDC to our treasury (DAO executor) at gnars.eth. We aim to replicate our success across multiple locations that arise through grassroots discovery and Prop House infinite rounds funding.

Based on previous project expenses, we estimate 24 additional projects is an achievable outcome over the next 12 months, especially when focused on emerging markets where every gwei goes such a long way:

  • Continuous park enhancements - 240,000 USDC
    • Skatepark refurbishments: 140,000 USDC
    • Nouns-themed sculptures: 50,000 USDC
    • Supporting Ambassadors/Shredders: 30,000 USDC
    • QR/NFC plaques for onboarding: 10,000 USDC
    • Miscellaneous & unforeseen expenses: 10,000 USDC
  • Administration of funded projects - 60,000 USDC
    • Coordinate community-driven outreach and promo
    • Discord moderation and general administrative tasks
    • Onboarding support for grant recipients and builders
    • Curation and support for new That's Gnarly creators
  • Onchain (gas) and other expenses - Self-funded
    • Codebase maintenance, improvements and bug squashing
    • Implement auction settlement leaderboard to reward settlooors
    • Provide regular "Propdates" to keep Nouns updated onchain
    • Releasing collective productions atop zora protocol rewards
    • Deploy open source portfolio at (GitHub Pages)

πŸ“ Through onchain governance, we will allocate funds as earmarked. Finer details are laid out later in this proposal. If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to join our Discord for a discussion. We are here to help!

πŸ—³οΈ Funds Allocation & Voting

The funds will arrive at gnars.eth which is our onchain treasury and DAO executor contract. It functions exactly as the Nouns DAO treasury does. Decisions are made through the usual voting process by Gnars holders.

At present, there are 3980 Gnars in circulation across 696 holders. We'd like to bring attention to the 8 largest holders as shown in the above screenshot, as they're very influential within the DAO, and have our best interests at heart:

  1. Non-voting: Instead of a founders' reward, 10% of Gnars are directed to the shred.gnars.eth (0x06...EF8e) multisig for onboarding shredders who are new to web3 and wish to participate in governance. Gami, who initiated the Gnars project, is instead rewarded in ETH as chosen by each bidder when placing bids in our auctions, using the bid slider. By default it's set at 90% treasury (gnars.eth) and 10% founder (gami.eth).
  2. Gami: Hyperactive Nouns contributor, founder of Gnars, Art Haus, Omega, and author of The Hypercommons: A Manifesto for a Positive-Sum World. Visit his personal website at for more information.
  3. Ric Burton: Early contributor to the Ethereum ecosystem and talented kitesurfer/kiteboarder. Has shown huge support to Gnars and has even been known to offer Gnars holders access to his beachfront property.
  4. Benbodhi: Perhaps the first person to arrive in the Gnars discord server and cofounder of Alps DAO. Showing early support as a collector, he's been an avid community moderator and wearer of many hats. Nounish AF.
  5. Satori: Also an early collector and contributor across all facets of the project. He has since become a valuable asset within various Nouns related teams and is the author of our Gnarly News newsletter.
  6. Geffenz: One of the most active auction participants, known more recently for the creation of Gnarsauce, settling more auctions than any other, and for creating our "Be Kind & Settle" meme that led to being deployed.
  7. DjjD: long time collector of Gnars having spent many hours in our Auctions discord channel along with Geffenz and other settlooors. He's a curator for Redlion and has been supporting us since our humble beginnings.
  8. Blockbird: prominent Art Blocks collector, photographer and world traveller, who 50/50 owns Noun 189 with Gami and was also responsible for the inception of Gnars over coffee at a cafe in Sydney, January 2022.

The multisig mentioned at the top of this list at shred.gnars.eth was the original Gnars treasury, prior to our migration to a fully onchain nounish DAO in June this year. As well as receiving Gnars for shredder onboarding, it's used for proposal submissions such as this one, and the signers are as follows:

Since no Gnars are distributed as founder rewards, all holders purchased all their Gnars themselves including Gami. who owns Noun 189, offering Gnars community the opportunity for delegation.

🧭 Approach and Strategy

πŸ“ Watch this NounGnarversary celebration funded via Prop House on YouTube

Our strategy is multi-pronged, ensuring we address both immediate needs and long-term sustainability:

  • Skatepark Enhancement Projects We've already showcased our impact:
  • Operational Funds for Notable Contributors: Recognising and compensating our most notable contributors for their relentless efforts, unearthing grassroots opportunities around the globe, and keeping thing running smoothly
  • Continuous Park Enhancements: Establishing a treasury for ongoing terrain park improvements, ensuring sustained impact and cultural relevance, all incredible catalysts for ongoing content production
  • Intuitive Onboarding: Implementing QR/NFC plaques for commemorative purposes and seamless onboarding of new members to our ecosystem
  • Brand Outreach: Collaborating with authentic brands and influencers in the action sports domain to amplify reach and earn the respect of our peers

Our dual focus on the action sports community and local councils ensures that our initiatives resonate with authentic cultural value. We reject the zero-sum and seek out win-win, positive-sum outcomes for all involved.

🚧 Project Discovery & Selection

While we have showcased our past skatepark refurbishments, the future projects are yet to be determined. Gnars original focus was on sponsoring individual athletes, but we've learned that empowering them to uplift their entire community is far more impactful. We wanna help create local heroes!

πŸ“ Explore our Nouniversary events with the new Stories feature on That's Gnarly

Skatepark refurbishments and opstacle (giant noggle rail) installations have proven to be the gifts that keep on giving. Beyond our initial unveilings and launch celebrations, our creations are often seen across social media. As shredders become intrigued by our artistic installations, they are often inspired to capture and post tricks they perform on them.

πŸ“ One of many ways to see our creations surfacing on Instagram is #gnars

The selection process for which projects we pursue involves grassroots discovery by DAO members who are passionate about uplifting their communities. We plan to further utilise Prop House infinite rounds for rewarding grants to opportunities identified by members like those who've already delivered.

πŸ“ Prop House works well for us like this other round: 1147 votes for 19 props

Rather than handling each individual skatepark refurbishment / opstacle installation as separate onchain proposals, the Prop House protocol will allow us to be much more gas efficient. We've been running an infinite round that funds artists to complete their designs that end up on skateboards ridden by Tom Rohrer in his tutorial videos. Once the protocol hits mainnet, we intend on being power users and believe Prop House is one of the most powerful tools available to communities like ours.

πŸ«‚ Notable Contributions

πŸ“ Visit to see our sustained growth of unique contributing users!

We have a dedicated group of contributors who've naturally landed to fill certain needs. Some are signers on the multisig mentioned earlier, and some also represent larger voting blocks. We've chosen to allow our community to submit notable contributions. Here's just a small selection:

Early on, Gami took care of most administrative aspects of the project. But nowadays, there's no reliance on him or any single DAO member, since we've sufficiently decentralised, while maintaining a tight-nit group who self-organise around encouraging the community at large.

πŸ“ Shoutout Wylin for this rad and inclusive idea, to recognise more of our notable contributors in this proposal, it represents what Gnars are all about.


πŸ“ Visit, our new client built from scratch by Volky. Coming soon to Nouns, in HD! πŸ‘€

πŸ”Ž Gnars at a glance

PS. Watch our awesome events in Denver and Chicago held recently.

We are currently working hard on using That's Gnarly to further showcase our stories, as well as a new open source, for accepting community contributions to a portfolio, and extensive blog that already attracts thousands of organic search visits per month.

🀘 Shred the Nouns

In the essence of our name and spirit, what we at Gnars do best is Shred the Nouns. Our passion extends beyond the conventional, morphing the iconic Nouns into tangible sculptures that echo our shared values and love for our sports, creating spaces where art meets action, and stories come alive beneath our wheels.

As we roll forward with our vision, we deeply value the collective strength and insights of the Nouns community. Your continued encouragement, feedback, and trust are what make such endeavours possible. By embracing our proposal, you're not just endorsing a project, but championing the blend of art, culture, and authenticity that both Nouns and Gnars represent.

In gratitude for your time and consideration, and as a gesture of our appreciation, we've created a unique, commemorative NFT to mark the submission of this proposal. For the month of Shredtember, we invite you to mint this FREE NFT and all Zora Protocol Rewards will be split between Nouns and Gnars treasuries. A special thank you for being an intrinsic part of our journey.

⏭️ Moving Forward

To summarise, our next steps and expected deliveries:

  1. Ship auction settlement leaderboard with Gnars NFT allocation (2 weeks)
  2. Gnars proposal for Skatepark Refurbishment infinite Prop House rounds (2 weeks)
  3. Gnars proposal for Contributor Rewards infinite Prop House rounds (4 weeks)
  4. Help community through Prop House submissions for first project (4 weeks)
  5. Identify at least 2 projects a month (expected delivery of 1-3 months each)

Keep in mind we are optimising for a serendipity machine as opposed to rigid plans with known outcomes. We expect plenty of competition among our community members all looking to have an impact in their own locales.

πŸ“ It helps to view Gnars as a pod who proliferate Nouns (as a service) into subcultures where we've deep networks and cultural sensitivities. Just so happens that we're using governance as an opportunity to introduce newcomers from our communities to web3.

Here's to collective courage!
