TLDR: Fund maty to continue tracking all funded Nouns Proposals and writing weekly newsletter for 4.5k USD/month.
It's hard for individuals in the Nouns Community to follow progress of projects after they get approved and funded. The information is scattered. Accountability is important.
What I have done since being funded in Proposal 174
Nouns DAO is very active, with hundreds of funded projects & still more seeking funding. That means there is a lot of information, scattered throughout different channels (multiple Discord servers, Discourse, Twitter, ..).
About me: Active in nouns everyday since Nov 2021, founding Nouncil and Esports Pod member, ... most of my work has been centered around tracking proposal progress and publishing weekly newsletter.
Previously funded via NSFW & then Proposal 174 for an average of 5.5 ETH/month. Funding from Prop 174 ended in April.
I am asking for 4500 USDC a month until the end of 2023, a total of 36.000 USDC.
(noun40 voting via agora)
having an (albeit loose) accountability / tracking system of how props went through maty's spreadsheet has served us well (the founds found and returned is an added bonus!). I'm supportive.
appreciate the tireless work here maty!
FOR, much needed and Maty is an invaluable community member, but would suggest two separate props: newsletter and prop tracker.
Prop tracker could evolve beyond manual Notion tables into an open-source web app for decentralized accountability, with wallet login allowing proposers, nouners and community to mix onchain data with manual authenticated inputs.
Possible features: Automated quarterly emails with comments, ETH tracking, voting participation rate, milestones completion, better sorting, responsive UI, data viz etc
Ambitious, but essential imo when deploying millions to strangers. We could spend 0.25% of the treasury on this and generalize it for DAO's tooling.
Maty, collaborate with devs for a powerful tool in 2024?
Newsletter format is perfect. Keep it unchanged. Great job, Maty! (sorry for the rant, I got excited)
akva556 | "Yes."
sent from
The leftover funds and volatility buffers maty has hunted down already provide value greater than the costs here. The proposal tracking is the most successful effort we have in providing accountability and reflection on funded DAO proposals. The newsletter provides a comprehensive history of Nounish activity. This is all essential work from a wonderful human bean. Three thumbs up.
Keeping everyone in the loop with short summaries on the status of proposals is definitely worthwhile to continue funding and a great way to encourage accountability!
Tracking and following up on proposals is important. This plays a useful role and the consistency is impressive. The more we can help communities understand how Nouns is run, the better. Streaming payments also helps protect the DAO from downside, as unlikely as that may be. I am a strong yes. Money well spent.
sent from
Very important foundational proposal to ensure future proposal efficiency, and low quoted cost - ez support.
54k a year to write 15 lines articles once a week and update a Notion page???
Maty has been tireless in his dedication to finding out what proposals we have funded are up to, where the funds have gone, and accounting for where things stand. This is important work.
TLDR: Fund maty to continue tracking all funded Nouns Proposals and writing weekly newsletter for 4.5k USD/month.
It's hard for individuals in the Nouns Community to follow progress of projects after they get approved and funded. The information is scattered. Accountability is important.
What I have done since being funded in Proposal 174
Nouns DAO is very active, with hundreds of funded projects & still more seeking funding. That means there is a lot of information, scattered throughout different channels (multiple Discord servers, Discourse, Twitter, ..).
About me: Active in nouns everyday since Nov 2021, founding Nouncil and Esports Pod member, ... most of my work has been centered around tracking proposal progress and publishing weekly newsletter.
Previously funded via NSFW & then Proposal 174 for an average of 5.5 ETH/month. Funding from Prop 174 ended in April.
I am asking for 4500 USDC a month until the end of 2023, a total of 36.000 USDC.