ProposalsProposal 274

Oni Residency: Nouns Community Discord & Onboarding

Quorum: 137
Proposed by

Nouns Community Discord & Onboarding

Proposal for 6 months of funding to commit time to transform the Jungle & more.

With the closure of official Nouns DAO Discord, I created the Jungle to be a neutral, spiritual successor to the old discord as a place for Nouners to connect with one another, discuss proposals, and engage with the larger Nouns community. Unfortunately the time of this transition was a low point for the community; there was confusion/sadness/drama surrounding the discord closure, Nouns auction prices were down, the overall market was down, and vibes were down in general. Some of this carried over into the Jungle at it’s inception, leading to some negative first impressions and lasting impacting on discord’s culture/perception at a time when it was most important.

I am planning to rebrand the Jungle into a general Nouns DAO Community discord and engaging other community leaders in hopes of capturing the same spirit and camaraderie we had with the initial Nouns DAO discord.

I am requesting funding to ensure the necessary time and effort goes into maximizing the value that this discord can provide to the Nouns community, in addition other nounish contributions I want to focus on over the coming months.


The Jungle hosts weekly calls for Nouners & Delegates to discuss on-chain proposals, neutrally leading the group through pending proposals while allowing the public to listen in and hear how voters are weigh in on pending props. These calls initially followed the format of discord’s weekly private calls, however the calls have recently shifted to be public with a Q&A component where Proposers are encouraged to join the call & answer questions and provide extra context/clarity to their props.

In addition, chat channels are maintained for each on-chain proposal to allow for async conversations between Nouners/Delegates, Builders, and the larger Nouns community


I want to transform the Jungle into the premiere place for onboarding new Nouners, not only to the Nouns Community Discord itself but by providing credibly neutral, up-to-date information around on-chain proposals and the highest impact communities, initiatives, and activations happening across the Nouns ecosystem.

  • Implement automated processes for new members joining the Discord, providing up-to-date links and resources
  • Create onboarding documentation for new DAO members, working with the community to compile and maintain high-value resources/links/information all in one place
  • Leverage Discord’s Forum feature to create posts for every past on-chain proposal to provide a one stop shop for async discussion for anything that is, or has ever been on-chain.

Roles & Responsibilities

  • Credibly Neutral Head Admin for the Nouns Community Discord server
  • Manage admins & community liasons
  • Reach out to new DAO members/auction winners to connect 1-on-1, providing context on current happenings around the community and answering any questions they may have, help with potential prop ideas, etc
    • I will seek out new DAO members outside of the Discord, providing links to a variety of Nouns Communities Groups in addition to highlighting resources like Nouns Agora for delegation opportunities if they aren't interested in governance
  • Chat Moderation
  • Facilitate Public Weekly Nouner Calls with help from other community leads as needed
  • Design and make available sample proposal templates
  • Calendly link with at least 2 hours per week of 15-30 minute slots available to anyone in the Discord for proposal feedback, or questions/discussions around anything else Nouns related
  • Engage with other nounish communities that have reached critical mass to get self-appointed community liasons
  • Additional ongoing efforts within the DAO
    • Note: I will not take any additional compensation from the following initiatives/proposals for the duration of this residency
    • Nouns Esports Pod
      • Pod Strategy, Oversight, Creative, Prop reviewing & feedback
      • Drive Partnership / Revenue Opportunities for Nouns Esports
    • Nouns x The Skatepark Project Partnership (Prop 40)
      • Continue to foster relationship with TSP
      • Put forward at least 2 proposals

Crowdsourcing Community Leadership

I want all nounish communities that reach critical mass to have representation and a voice in the Nouns Community Discord and will be reaching out to sub-daos/groups active in the space encouraging them to provide 2 self-appointed communitity liasons. Including but not limited to:

  • Nounders
  • Nouncil
  • Nounish
  • Gnars DAO
  • Lil Nouns DAO
  • Builder DAO
  • n00uns DAO
  • Regional Groups (Nouns DAO Japan/Brasil/Amigos/ect)
  • Other emergent communities


$9694.20 USDC/ Month (~31E over 6 months)

Transaction Details

tx1: Streaming $58165 USDC over 6 months (5/7/23-11/7/23)
tx2: USDC Auto-refill transaction automatically added to top off the DAO's USDC Funding Pool for future Proposals