Nouncil Vote:
52 Yes, 2 No, 0 Abstain
3 Nouncillors abstained from the decision
Vote Reasons & Discussion
baba | 1579 | "This Prop is a YES for me, but also wish Lil's had been included 😦"
CHEFFO ⌐◧-◧ | "yeah i wish FOODNOUNS was included in this too but we will take the build and do a lil something @Al409 😋 ...
Sasquatch | "would love to see this prop done again with a different set of sub-communities"
Art Is My Weapon | "Proliferation."
modrovsky | "⌐◨-◨"
Mach | "all for, lets get the noggles out""*
JoelCares | "Love seeing these Noggles go to good use. I would have preferred an open call for noggle recipients, but I do see these communities using the noggles well."
Graphic.⌐◨-◨ | "Definitely need more noggles IRL"
RyanMac ⌐◨-◨ | "The Nouns Vision glasses to these 3 groups is a no brainer"
Benbodhi | "⌐◨-◨"
.ZllW | "Although wish that other sub-community were also included, example lil nouns, nounsbrazail, nounsinsg, etc. Overall good initiatives to have those nouns vision sitting in NounsDAO treasury being put to good use. Yes for me."
BitcoinBob ⌐◨-◨ | "Yes"
Sasquatch | "need to get these noggles out in the world proliferatin'"
kerimbonia | "in terms of proliferation and extending nouns visibility beyond the nft space, this proposal is a no-brainer."
Mindtoasted | "Yes from me it's also great to see the other Nounish sub-communities included, hope this creates a nice outlook on each people who receive the sunglasses"
For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:
Great to see these assets being put to use by various Nounish communities
Easy yes. I'm hoping after the House of Nouns prop, lil nouns resubmits this so we can also distribute 50 pairs
Cool on-chain collaboration between different nounish projects
Also wen disco glasses release
Written by Sasquatch, Toady, Maty, Benbodhi and Gami. Special thanks to 9999 for helping by creating the custom contract.
Prop 57 funded the creation of 8,250 pairs of luxury sunglasses made by Nouns Vision. Approximately 560 of those have been sold to individuals.*
As per the on-chain proposal, 500 tokens of Nouns Vision NFT's (each redeemable for an individual pair of physical glasses) were transferred to the Nouns DAO treasury.
The authors of this proposal are asking the DAO, on behalf of the communities they represent (Nouns Esports, Gnars, The Noun Square), for an allocation of these sunglasses to be used to further proliferate Nouns DAO as well as help market and drive new buyers towards Nouns Vision.
By distributing these tokens across various sub-communities, we can further proliferate Nouns through physical interactions with the highest quality noggles available.
The undersigned sub-communities of Nouns DAO are asking for fifty Nouns Vision tokens each (150 total) from the Nouns treasury in order to continue their efforts of proliferation.
Conversation towards this effort has already been taking place in the #57-sunglasses channel of the Nouns Discord server. For further context, see the initial post towards this idea from Gami and continued discussion from Worthalter who suggested distributing pairs from the treasury.
Additionally, our sub-communities would be interested in exploring Zora's functionality of a "Finders Fee" to further incentivize the promotion of Nouns Vision, with the goal to aid in selling out the entire collection.
) Even though the total number of mints is around 1800, this includes 500 for Nouns DAO, 500 presumably reserved for the special edition disco noggles, and 250 for the team.
Written by Sasquatch, Toady, Maty, Benbodhi and Gami. Special thanks to 9999 for helping by creating the custom contract.
Prop 57 funded the creation of 8,250 pairs of luxury sunglasses made by Nouns Vision. Approximately 560 of those have been sold to individuals.*
As per the on-chain proposal, 500 tokens of Nouns Vision NFT's (each redeemable for an individual pair of physical glasses) were transferred to the Nouns DAO treasury.
The authors of this proposal are asking the DAO, on behalf of the communities they represent (Nouns Esports, Gnars, The Noun Square), for an allocation of these sunglasses to be used to further proliferate Nouns DAO as well as help market and drive new buyers towards Nouns Vision.
By distributing these tokens across various sub-communities, we can further proliferate Nouns through physical interactions with the highest quality noggles available.
The undersigned sub-communities of Nouns DAO are asking for fifty Nouns Vision tokens each (150 total) from the Nouns treasury in order to continue their efforts of proliferation.
Conversation towards this effort has already been taking place in the #57-sunglasses channel of the Nouns Discord server. For further context, see the initial post towards this idea from Gami and continued discussion from Worthalter who suggested distributing pairs from the treasury.
Additionally, our sub-communities would be interested in exploring Zora's functionality of a "Finders Fee" to further incentivize the promotion of Nouns Vision, with the goal to aid in selling out the entire collection.
) Even though the total number of mints is around 1800, this includes 500 for Nouns DAO, 500 presumably reserved for the special edition disco noggles, and 250 for the team.