NOTE: This prop is a resubmit of prop 177 since it was cancelled in the "queued" stage due to my error. I had delegated my nouns to the houseofnouns team without knowing that until a prop reaches execution (even after voting passes) removing voting power from the proposer's address can mean that anyone can cancel the prop. Unfortunately it was cancelled as a result. My sincere apologies for the need to revote.
@ZachXBT is a public good serving the crypto ecosystem through tireless research exposing countless scams. Recent events have highlighted the dire need and importance of such work. This prop proposes to fund 100 ETH to their donation address: zachxbt.eth (address can be verified from their twitter profile).
Donations have always been somewhat controversial within Nouns governance. Prop 21 donating 169 ETH to Gitcoin grants was one of the most contentious votes in our early history. Prop 108 donating 500 ETH to Ethereum protocol development (via the Protocol Guild) was much more unanimous but still there was discomfort and discourse around whether the DAO was becoming "a tax inefficient way for DAO members to make donations."
I agree that we shouldn't resort to becoming a complacent vehicle of passive philanthropy. We should instead aim to actively contribute and be a net producer of public goods ourselves such that our meme (brand) can fully capture the provenance value (claim on originality of) the public work and thus leverage the virtuous cycle to do more than what capital alone could have done. However, there should be exceptions to this rule if there is an urgent and common public cause that warrants highlighting. I would like to suggest that this is such a case. Crypto needs more validators like ZachXBT.
With donations we need to be extra wary of conflicts of interest or self-dealing. Unfortunately there is no way to prove this cryptographically, but I attest that I have no prior (or planned future) relationship with ZachXBT and that today was the first time I contacted them (via twitter) to ask for their permission to make this proposal.
Too much ETH for an established member of the ecosystem. I'd rather see 10 eth go to 10 new builders.
Nouncil Vote:
48 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain
4 Nouncillors abstained from the decision
Vote Reasons & Discussion
0xFloyd | "I view this as a crypto public service that benefits our whole industry"
Mach | "same as before"
RyanMac ⌐◨-◨ | "ZachXBT is a machine & does great work for the web3 space"
Benbodhi | "Zach’s work is a public good that benefits the entire space and hes clearly underfunded. Very nounish to help here."
.ZllW | "What Zach is doing is clearly good for the web3 space; a form of public goods that should be recognized. Yes for me."
BitcoinBob ⌐◨-◨ | "yes"
Mindtoasted | "It's still the same as what I voted before, from how detailed Zach investigated and revealed several projects in the past this could be a good new insight for Nouns. lately i personally follow some influential twitter people who provide good and bad concrete information in crypto space, in fact we need someone like this so I vote yes"
kerimbonia | "full support for the work ZachXBT does so it's a strong yes from me."
For more Nouns DAO proposal discussion head to the Nouncil Discord:
Voted yes last time, and will vote yes again when this one is canceled.
Love this - one thing I wish is we made it more formal with zach
Like end some threads with a sponsored by nouns or smth like that
His threads get so many views but just funding him doesn't mean we will get the same reach
regardless, voting yes
❤ z
Voting against since I had in thr first iteration of the prop. I think the prop lacks a bit of context and explanation of how the donation amount was chosen. Also, not clear if ZachXBT needs the money or is well off enough to not need the 100 ETH.
I voted yes on the cancelled prop and I’m voting yes again. This is something we were hoping to do through so it’s amazing to see more attention and larger treasury to allocate funds to a public good like this. Very nounish ⌐◨-◨
NOTE: This prop is a resubmit of prop 177 since it was cancelled in the "queued" stage due to my error. I had delegated my nouns to the houseofnouns team without knowing that until a prop reaches execution (even after voting passes) removing voting power from the proposer's address can mean that anyone can cancel the prop. Unfortunately it was cancelled as a result. My sincere apologies for the need to revote.
@ZachXBT is a public good serving the crypto ecosystem through tireless research exposing countless scams. Recent events have highlighted the dire need and importance of such work. This prop proposes to fund 100 ETH to their donation address: zachxbt.eth (address can be verified from their twitter profile).
Donations have always been somewhat controversial within Nouns governance. Prop 21 donating 169 ETH to Gitcoin grants was one of the most contentious votes in our early history. Prop 108 donating 500 ETH to Ethereum protocol development (via the Protocol Guild) was much more unanimous but still there was discomfort and discourse around whether the DAO was becoming "a tax inefficient way for DAO members to make donations."
I agree that we shouldn't resort to becoming a complacent vehicle of passive philanthropy. We should instead aim to actively contribute and be a net producer of public goods ourselves such that our meme (brand) can fully capture the provenance value (claim on originality of) the public work and thus leverage the virtuous cycle to do more than what capital alone could have done. However, there should be exceptions to this rule if there is an urgent and common public cause that warrants highlighting. I would like to suggest that this is such a case. Crypto needs more validators like ZachXBT.
With donations we need to be extra wary of conflicts of interest or self-dealing. Unfortunately there is no way to prove this cryptographically, but I attest that I have no prior (or planned future) relationship with ZachXBT and that today was the first time I contacted them (via twitter) to ask for their permission to make this proposal.