Nouns X Everybody
This proposal will differentiate itself from other Nouns proposals aiming to create content for the Nouns (such as 165, 113 and 143) by focusing on creating an open process which will allow anyone to create a hype video.
While this prop is similar to Prop 180 , they are very different in their process, scope and goals. Nouns X Everybody is more about the process itself (which could be applied to other areas, not just content creation). Additionally, although this proposal pays more to the winning submissions - it is doing so because it requires the team to produce AND distribute without a guarantee of payment. While the number of views are not everything, they do matter, as we can have the highest quality content in the world but it only matters if people see it.
Instead of determining what we think people will want to see, this proposal will instead outline the guidelines in terms of output as well as the minimum result we want achieved in terms of outcome. Leaving it open for anyone to implement their own creative process in order to achieve that result.
By funding this the proposal we would hope to achieve the goals of:
- Having a minimum of 10 pieces of original video content created, each with a minimum of 2k views on YouTube (20k total views minimum but I would expect much much more).
- Getting new and innovative ideas from both from within and outside of our existing community by allowing them creative control on the output.
- Bringing people into the Nouniverse as they will need to learn more about Nouns so as to create content which will enable them to win this challenge.
- Showcase how the various elements of the DAO (see: ‘The Process’) can be combined to create a cohesive process for project implementation.
- Demonstrating a proposal process that brings benefit to the DAO and rewards creators while not requiring compensation for the proposer. With 86% going to content creators, 12% going to marketing and just 1% going to administration along with 1% earmarked for an independent report on effectiveness of the proposal after 9 months.
Create a short hype video that either explains or pulls people into the Nouniverse and if your video gets over 2k views on YouTube before April 30th 2023 you could be awarded part of the $200k fund.
The Top 10 Videos ranked by number of YouTube views that meet the minimum entry requirements below will be put up for a vote where 4 winners will be selected and awarded $50k each.
- Any person or team is free to submit an entry to this challenge.
- To enter, simply create your video, upload it to YouTube and get people to watch it.
- Has more than 2000 organic views on Youtube by the end of the Submission Period
- Must meet the brief (i.e. It either ‘explains the Nouns’ or ‘pulls people into the Nouniverse’)
- Content must be original. While videos may reuse existing content if it is not mostly original it will not qualify.
- Is positive in nature and is rated PG
- Must be a video and not a YouTube "shorts"
- Should include ‘#EnterTheNouniverse’ in the description (so we can easily filter submissions)
Complete creative freedom is given to entrants on how they want to achieve the goal – it can be animated, live footage, a mixture of both or something completely different. Some teams might focus on higher end productions that explains Nouns to people while others might focus on something simple and unique that pulls people into the Nouniverse (i.e. see the different approach Coinbase had vs other cypto companies during the superbowl in trying to achieve the same result). It is up to the creator to do what they think will work.
The Top 8 Videos with the most views on YouTube + 2 Videos chosen by the Selection Committee will be entered into the Voting Round – where Noun holders will vote for the 4 winners of $50k each.
- All videos must meet the minimum qualification criteria
- Selected entries will be free to provide any additional information at this stage to be included in their entry which demonstrates why their content should win (for example, data from other social media platforms like Twitter, TikTok or any other measure of engagement)
- Selected entries may be asked to provide information to the selection committee proving that their YouTube views were organic that the data has not been manipulated or paid for.
- A person/team can submit as many entries as they want but only their best entry (which they can choose) will be selected for the final vote.
- We are including 2 videos selected by the committee due to the fact that some entries may not be in the Top 10 in terms of views of YouTube but may have merit for nomination through a disproportionate level of engagement on other channels and/or be of exceptional quality or have uploaded their video late in the process but has gained a lot of views in a short time period.
If this proposal is successful, the following process will take place:
- Proposal Passes: $200k and 25 Eth with be transferred to a multisig controlled by the Multisig. The challenge has officially started.
- Submission Period: There is a 5 Month window for anyone to create and publish their hype video.
- Create Marketing Dept: 25 Eth will immediately be used to fund a Prop House Round with 5 Eth being awarded to the 5 best proposals detailing how they will market and find entrants for this project. (see note at bottom)
- Selection Period: When the submission period has ended on April 30th 2023 there will be a 2 week selection period where the creators of the Top 10 videos will be invited by the Selection Committee to make their submissions. These submissions, including any additional information the creator wants to provide, will be uploaded to a Prop House round by the Selection Committee.The selection committee will be paid 3 eth for administering this.
- Voting Round: Nouns will have a 1 week voting period to cast their votes for the 4 winning submissions to be awarded $50k each.
- Payment: Funds will be distributed to the Winners by the Trusted Parties.
- Analysis: 2 eth will be earmarked for an indpedent evaluation of this proposal after 9 months. To see how effective it was at achieving the stated outcome.
Important Note: If no one meets the minimum qualifying criteria, the Nouns pay nothing (with the exception of the 25 eth used to fund the marketing dept prop house round) and all funds are returned to the Treasury. But for every person or team that does meet the criteria, we have at the very least a piece of original video content with more that 2k views on YouTube.
Selection Committee: The Selection committee will be comprised of 5 independent members of the Noun community, selected by Hindsight, whose job it will be: (a) select the Top 10 videos to be included in the final Noun vote as per the minimum qualifying criteria and the selection criteria above, (b) contact these creators to submit any additional information for the final vote and (c) upload those submissions to a Prop House vote.
The work of the selection committee is minimal and mostly administrative (checking that views are organic etc) and as such will only require 3 eth (of which I will get none).
In order to maintain independence and to ensure a fair process members of the selection committee cannot enter a video to the challenge
Stated Goals of this Proposal If this proposal passes, it success or failure will be measured against meeting the following criteria:
- The creation of a minimum of 10 pieces of good quality, original content before April 30th
- A minimum of 100k cumulative organic YouTube views across all content created in persuit of this prize before 9 months of this proposal passing
Team Really the point of this prop is that there is no 'team' but for the interest of transparency and to include a section I think should be in all props:
- Hindsight: I am not a member of any other teams, councils or projects and I do not receive any compensation from any DAO source. I have no conflicts of interest and will not financially benefit from this proposal.
- My only role will be to be on the multisig and to choose the selection commitee (A role I would be happy to give to someone else if they are suitable and want it!)
Transaction Details
- 30 Eth will be transferred to fund a Prop House Round to create a marketing team for the challenge, the selection committee administration cost and the retrospective report on outcome.
- $200k USD will be transferred to fund the prize pool.
If less than 4 teams do not meet the minimum qualifying criteria then any USDC that has not been used will be returned to the treasury.
Total Cost: $200k + 30 Eth
The multisig is a 3/5 consisting of the 5 best looking members of the dao
A note on the 'Marketing Dept' creation
The prop house round for 25 eth will award 5 submissions 5 eth to market this challenge and try and find people and teams outside both inside and outside of Nouns to make submissions. I will draft the prop house round if this proposal succeeds. An idea of submissions that will be encouraged are: contacting media schools, creating a landing pages with instructions, engaging with influencers to promote etc.
Why YouTube Views
As stated earlier, YouTube views are not everything, but they do matter and after looking at the view count of Nouns content I think we could benefit from a proposal with a proposal that has goals in terms of distribution as well as production.
Many of these videos will have more views on Twitter and other platforms and I would expect the same from any video created for this challenge. But for the interest of managing the proposal we will have to set one medium as the primary one for measurement and I think YouTube is the most appropriate.
2k views to reach the minimum entry requirement may seem small, and it is, but remember this is a MINIMUM, and we would expect any video that qualifies in the Top 10 to have many more views than that.
Here you can see how many views Nounish content is currently getting on YouTube
While some content that that use gimmicks, shows a lack of creativity nor effort, or does not show a clear comprehension of what the Nouns ecosystem is may meet the minimum qualifying criteria (whether due to the creator having large existing YouTube following or otherwise), ultimately the winning pieces of content be decided upon by a Nouner vote and so are extremely unlikely to be awarded anything for their efforts. So anyone who creates a video with the expectation of success should keep it classy and keep it Nounish.