Nouns x MrBeast
Proposal votes
I love the idea of nouns somehow being involved with this channel and I hope there is iteration to the proposal to find something that the DAO is more supportive of. In the format it is now, something doesn't feel right about the approach. Though it is creative.
big ups to the proposing team for taking big swings and trying something new. but this proposal feels like it's an early version of a great proposal. with some iteration and refinement of this idea and approach, i'd bet we end up with a successful proposal.
Not opposed to figuring out how to collaborate with Mr Beast or other high profile celebs in a future iteration of this proposal but agree with others that this needs to be fleshed out and reworked
As I have said in the Nouncil meeting and on The Noun Square during discussions of this prop this week, I love Mr. Beast and think a collaboration with him would be amazing. However, I think the bounty is life-changing money for many people and so worry that people on the fringe may stoop to some weird tactics to try and get Mr. Beast's attention, and hurt rather than help the reputation of Nouns in his eyes.
Love the creativity in this idea, but just think it needs a rework from its current form.
On TNS PropTalk (Thursdays at 4PM EST) when we were brainstorming this topic, there were some interesting ideas presented, like running a "Fake Ad" campaign for one of Mr. Beast's product lines like Feastables encouraging people to make short nounish videos promoting them. I think an idea like this is a lot more likely to pique his attention.
i don’t love the precedent it sets around managing treasury funds. i see no reason that withdrawing 500 ETH from the treasury and converting it to 750k USDC in advance is helpful in procuring a partnership with mr. beast. it exposes the treasury to volatility risk for something that is low probability, and placing this much capital in a 2/3 multisig without a compelling reason to do so is a bad practice.
while this proposal increases the probability that people will attempt to form partnerships with mr. beast, it also decreases the probability that he will accept these partnership offers. in the worst case, the large bounty on solicitation could lead to undesirable sales tactics, and preclude the possibility of future partnerships. guerrilla tactics are helpful when the dao and its potential partners have little to lose, but will be less effective when attempting to partner with celebrities with large audiences who are sensitive to reputation risk, especially when the offer is coming from a strange entity like a DAO. a gentle introduction from a trusted mr. beast associate is probably the most likely road to a productive and long term relationship
It's exciting to see a different proposal format and new ideas for engaging people outside of the community. I think the proposal specifics are a bit too much, too fast, but feel there's potential that some form of this works on a smaller scale.
I love Nouns. I love Mr. Beast. Mr. Beast is very Nounish.
I am a no on this specific proposal strictly because of the funding mechanisms and structure. I think the layout is a bit too vague on guidelines for the public + how we will get this message outside of the Nouns bubble (i.e. Aubtoshi would be a fantastic face for this on socials for announcing it etc.). This IS a fantastic idea and has sparked some amazing conversations in Nouncil and Twitter Space rooms within the community.
My main worry is:
We have no control over what people will do for $250k. I see a ton of wonderful things happening here but also see how the 1% of people could really hurt the reputation of Nouns IRL via some dumb ploy to get Mr. Beast's attention. Again, love the concept, maybe we can lay this out with some stricter guides.
I would double the 500 to giveaway/make a video. Mr. Beast is getting so much money right now and we are technically an NFT collection (no matter how much good we do or how much we think he would love Nouns, which I THINK he would).
This all being said, I thank you all for taking the time to think of this cool concept and would love to see another iteration of this! Would be great for Nouns and cool to see all of the Nounish things people do!
#Ugly ❤️
I love the effort here, but worry that the way it's written could lead to a lot of lack of clarity down the line when it comes to disbursing the funds.
If Mr Beast puts some noggles on a wall, would it count? Seems like we might want a plan for a spend of this magnitude
I agree with other members when they say this money would be better spent on the community, and builders that populate it. would be cool to see him in noggles, but it should also be genuine from his side.
Yes to somehow engage MrBeast, but No to the specific execution of this prop. I welcome further iteration here and can probably be swayed to a Yes eventually.
Biggest concerns are the 250k bounty being easily gameable if someone has a direct line with Mr Beast that we are unaware of. I'm also not very confident this is going to make a large enough impact to justify cost. I'm not even confident this offer will be enticing to their team or that this video will stand out in the sea of insane stunts he normally does. I think I'd be much more receptive if Mr Beast had any sort of prior interest/care in Nouns DAO.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.
This proposal does not demonstrate an understanding of Mr. Beast's video process. It is unlikely that $500k would be enough given the stipulations. I would support a revised proposal with more info from the Beast team.
When asked what he thought 'Nounish' meant 4156 said "do good with no expectation of return, create positive externalities, embrace absurdity & difference, teach people about nouns & crypto, have fun"
We hope all of you think this is a Nounish proposal
When asked what he thought 'Nounish' meant 4156 said "do good with no expectation of return, create positive externalities, embrace absurdity & difference, teach people about nouns & crypto, have fun"
We hope all of you think this is a Nounish Proposal