ProposalsProposal 163

Nouncil Proposal #2

Quorum: 50
Proposed by


Nouncil is asking for 106.6 ETH to fund:

  • Operating Costs (2022 Q3/Q4, 2023 Q1)
  • Nouncil Community Grants

Nouncil is a council of Nounish Builders. We provide a home for Nounish community and a democratic voice in Nouns DAO governance.

Nouncil Highlights

Operating Budget (2022 Q3 to 2023 Q1) - 55 ETH

Nouncillors discuss and vote on Nouns DAO props on a volunteer basis. Contributions to Nouncil above and beyond that are funded from our general Operating Budget. This is regularly administered via retroactive Coordinapes. See Nouncil Proposal #1 for a breakdown of what's allowed in our operating costs.

Prior Funding

Operating Costs - 2022 - Q1 - 10 ETH

Operating Costs - 2022 - Q2 - 12.2 ETH

Funds Requested - 55 ETH

  • Operating Costs - 2022 - Q3 - 16 ETH - 16 ETH round administered at end of Q3
  • Operating Costs - 2022 Q4 - 2023 Q1 - 39 ETH *- 6.5 ETH x 6 rounds administered once per month 2022 Q4 (Oct, Nov, Dec) through 2023 Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar).

Nouncil Community Grants - 51.6 ETH

Nouncils Community Grant Pilot (described in Nouncil Proposal #1) was a wild success and an extremely efficient use of ETH to proliferate Nouns. 28 ETH was permissionlessly given to Nouncillors and spent on 18 different projects.

We held art contests, selfie contests, coloring contests, made hats, merch, jackets, stickers, built web apps, covered cities in Nounish posters, projected art on buildings, created weird 3D videos, distributed POAPs, created NFT collections, manufactured a smoking paper box, and assisted in the development of a "herb garden" facility.

To be eligible a Nouncillor must have been Nouncillors for at least 2 months and maintained a vote participation rate of 69% or more. As of October 1 this is 43 nouncillors (proof).

A public call will be held to determine the admin team, who will be voted in.

Funds Requested - 51.6 ETH

  • Community Grant Round 2 - 43 ETH
    • 1 ETH x 43 eligible Nouncillors
  • Admin Costs - 4.3 ETH
    • Coordinating allocations, delegations, and maintaining records
    • Processing payments to Nouncillors
    • Dilligence and observations on ongoing projects
    • Collecting final reports on activity
    • Reporting on success of proposals
  • Marketing Costs - 4.3 ETH
    • will be spent at the discretion of the team managing it, but could include things such as: wrap up Twitter Spaces, interviews with select projects, summary article with highlights / media / quotes, video production

Proposed Transactions

transfer 106.6 ETH to nouncil.eth