The $nouns contracts are unaudited use at your own risk.


You send
1,000,000 $nouns
You receive
What is $nouns?
$nouns is an ERC-20 token that represents fractional Noun ownership. Any Noun can be deposited for 1,000,000 $nouns, and conversely, 1,000,000 $nouns can be redeemed to acquire any Noun held by the $nouns contract.

Simply put, 1 Noun = 1,000,000 $nouns.
What happens when I convert my Noun?
You will receive 1,000,000 $nouns on Ethereum Mainnet. You won't own your Noun anymore; it will be placed in the $nouns ERC-20 contract. Anyone can exchange 1,000,000 $nouns for any Noun held in the $nouns contract.
Is NounSwap affiliated with $nouns?
No, NounSwap is not affiliated with $nouns. This interface is only a layer to interact with the $nouns contracts. No funds are held in custody by NounSwap at any point.